Some interesting social media statistics for Arab Region

Some interesting social media statistics for Arab Region

24 Mar 2016

 Some interesting findings on perceptions of people towards social media in Arab Region

- 81% believe social media have made it easier for people to connect

- 70% think they are closer to people due to social media

- 66% feel social media makes them more creating in presenting ideas and thoughts 

- 67% people follow social media for news

- 62% people feel its easier to find a job through social networks

- 61% people feel social media has had a positive impact on society

- 57% feel social media has made them happier

- 41% feel social media helps preserve traditions and habits

- 50% people use social media for chatting

- 18% read blog posts on social networks

- 20% of people spend more than 31 mins on social networks every day

- 83% of the users on social media are on mobile phones



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