Tejinder World

Empowering Growth: The Importance of Allowing Your Team to Embrace Challenges

04 Aug 2023

In leadership, it is crucial to balance offering support and allowing individuals to learn and grow through their struggles. While the urge to step in and assist an employee facing difficulties is natural, it can inadvertently hinder their development and create a sense of micromanagement. 

Effective delegation fosters employee growth and builds a collaborative, empowered, and productive team. Leaders enhance their delegation skills by shifting their mindset, embracing the learning process, identifying suitable tasks for delegation, and adopting a curious and facilitative approach.

"Great leaders are not the ones who solve all the problems, but those who empower their team to find the solutions." 

Shifting from a Doer to a Leader Mindset:

Transitioning from a "doer" mentality to a "leader" mentality is crucial. While the doer focuses on completing tasks individually, the leader's role is guiding, mentoring, and empowering others. By relinquishing control over every aspect of a project and allowing team members to take ownership, leaders create an environment where individuals can learn, grow, and excel.

Embracing the Discomfort of the Learning Process:

Learning and growth often come with discomfort and challenges. As a leader, embracing this process and encouraging your team to do the same is essential. Instead of rushing to provide immediate solutions, give your employees the space to explore, make mistakes, and learn from them. You foster resilience, problem-solving skills, and personal development by allowing them to struggle.

Identifying Low-Stakes Tasks for Delegation:

Delegating tasks can be daunting, especially when high stakes are involved. To build confidence and gradually enhance delegation skills, start by identifying low-stakes functions that are less risky. These tasks allow team members to learn, grow, and take on additional responsibilities while minimizing potential major setbacks. This approach enables leaders to delegate more significant tasks as trust and capabilities develop gradually.

Being Curious and Facilitative Instead of Prescriptive:

Leaders should adopt a curious and facilitative approach when delegating tasks rather than being prescriptive. Instead of dictating exactly how something should be done, encourage your team members to share their ideas and strategies. This fosters creativity, collaboration, and a sense of ownership. Actively listen, provide guidance when needed, and allow individuals to find unique solutions, empowering them to grow and innovate.

A Way Forward 👍

As leaders, it is essential to recognize the importance of giving your team space to struggle and grow. Shifting your mindset, embracing the discomfort of the learning process, identifying suitable tasks for delegation, and adopting a curious and facilitative approach are critical steps toward becoming an effective leader who empowers their team. By mastering the art of delegation, you foster individual growth and create a collaborative, empowered, and highly productive team.

"True leadership is not about paving the path, but guiding others through the pilgrimage of growth and self-growth".

                                                                                                   Dr. Tejinder Singh 


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